Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Secret of The Spanish Healthy Lifestyle

The Mediterranean appeal of Spanish food is thanks to ingredients such as olive oil, tomatoes and peppers. A very important aspect of Spanish cooking is the freshness and high quality of ingredients used; it is not for nothing that healthy eating is not a problem to the majority of Spanish. Indeed the Spanish people have the third highest life expectancy in the world, which says a lot for their eating habits.

While the typical traditional Spanish meal is considerable in size, the type of food and the ingredients used as well as eating habits of the Spanish make for little threat to gaining unhealthy weight. Snacking between meals is not as common as in the United States or the United Kingdom, and fast foods seem to play less of a feature role within the life of the average Spaniard. This means that popular Spanish food, or at least the Spanish eating style, tends to steer clear of processed foods, focusing rather on wholesome and fresh ingredients which give an exhilarating flavour and style to the cooking. Another Spanish trick to healthy eating is to end a meal with fresh fruit Italian food chicken breasts with hazel nuts.

The secret of the Spanish healthy lifestyle is in the Spanish food and culture of good wholesome traditional home cooking done with the freshest of ingredients. Why eat unhealthy processed foods when simple easy steps to tasty Spanish food can be followed to put a nutritious and delicious Spanish food on your dinner table? Try this tasty authentic Spanish food recipe for Paella.

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